These words from the photographer, Walker Evans, have always stayed with me "It's as though there's a wonderful secret in a certain place and I can capture it. Only I, at this moment, can capture it and only at this moment and only me"
He is not being arrogant. It's about rising to the challenge of finding that wonderful secret in a place where other people don't seem to notice the extraordinary..
I yearn to find beauty in the everyday stuff of the streets. Many times I don't but sometimes they just walk into the camera via my eye. My photography is about not knowing what is going to happen, being present in the moment and looking anew.
My father gave me his Afga Silette 35mm manual everything camera when I was 12.
I have given talks on photography "Forever Temporary - a wonderful secret" about seeing the everyday differently. Talk to me if you are interested.
It’s a new departure for me.I’ve always enjoyed word play and creating new worlds. Not sure where the poetry is going but happy when one comes along!
My paid job
I help people who want to get better at public speaking.
John Dawson
Bath, United Kingdom
01225 425300